The simple tribal people of Bihar express their creative joy through the Chhau dance, which was originally a war dance, preformed in order to perfect fighting techniques. It has, over the years, evolved into a narrative ballet.

Chhau dance is a mask dance performed by the male dancers. It is prevalent in Mayurbhanj district in Orissa, Sareikela in Bihar and Purulia district in West Bengal. The dance form was nurtured and developed under different royal patronage. Maharaja Krishana Chandra Bhanj Deo of Mayurbhanj was its greatest patron. Basically, Chhau is a festival dance, performed on the occasion of the sun festival observed according to the Bengali calendar towards the end of the month of Chaitra. Nowadays, Chhau is not only performed on this sun festival but also during many other festivals at other times of the year.

The Chhau dance is indigenous to the eastern part of India. It originated as a martial art and contains vigourous movements and leaps. During the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries, many of the princely rulers of the Orissa region took a keen interest in the development of this art. They maintained troupes that performed on special occasions and festivals.

Some Chhau dances use large stylized masks. The depiction of birds and animals is a distinctive feature. There are also heroic dances with sword, bow or shield, with which dancers demonstrate their dexterity. In keeping with the martial origins of Chhau, some of the themes include the depiction of mythological heroes, such as Parashurama, Mahadev, Indrajit and others, from the Mahabharata and Ramayana epics. Over the course of time, female characters and more diverse themes were added.

There are three recognized schools or styles of Chhau. These are the Seraikella, Purulia and Mayurbhanj varieties. Mayurbhanj Chhau dancers do not wear masks. In recent times, Mayurbhanj Chhau has become popular as a medium of choreography, with its wide range of postures and movements that adapt well to modern as well as traditional treatment.

 Origin of Chhau Dance
It is said that the word `Chhau` is derived from the Sanskrit word `Chhaya`, which means shadow or image. In Oriya `Chhauka` means ability to make a sudden unexpected attack. Chhau dance perhaps originated from the martial dance Phari Khanda Khela (playing with the sword and the shield). Some say the word `Chhau` has been derived from `Chhauni`, which means military barracks. Most of the tribal people performed it in an effort to appease and influence the Sun God. Whatever may be the origin of this folk drama in course of time it has developed its own rules and grammar. Nowadays, Chhau dance is generally performed during the Chaitra Parva. Gradually this dance has shifted from the barracks and has taken a ritualistic turn.

 Theme of Chhau Dance
The Chhau dance is mythological, as it is mainly based on various episodes of the epics Ramayana and Mahabharata. Sometimes certain episodes of the Indian Puranas are also used. The individual dance items of Chhau dance of Mayurbhanj include solo, duet and group performances. Two Rasas are dominant in the performance- Vira and Rudra, and in the end, forces of evil are punished and the righteous triumphs.

Music in Chhau Dance
Most of the tunes for Chhau are traditional and folk which are played on Mahuri and various types of drums. The music appropriately reflects the moods which the dancers so impressively interpret. The use of the drum is an important part of Chhau performance. With the beating of drums an invocation to Lord Ganesha is given and the dance begins. As the singer completes the invocation song, a host of drummers and musicians start beating the Dhol and the Dhamsa. The musical part is an integral prelude to the actual dance performance. After this musical journey, the character of Lord Ganesha appears on the dancing ground followed in quick succession by other characters -gods, demons, animals and birds.

Costumes of Chhau Dance
The costumes of the Chhau performers are of various colours and designs.In Bihar they uses mostly facial expression and legs are mostly use to show the dance. in south of India  they mainly comprises of Pyjamas in deep green or yellow or red shade that is worn by the artistes playing the role of gods; whereas those playing the role of demons have on loose trousers of a deep black shade. Sometimes, stripes of contrasting colours are also used to make the costumes more attractive and different. The costumes for the upper part of the body are full of various designs. The costumes for the character of Goddess Kali are made up of cloth of unrelieved black, and to express the separate and distinct identity, the characters of animals and birds use suitable type of masks and costumes.

Special features About the dance:

As this dance as a part of martial art, earlier only men used to perform this dance including the women character. But now even women have entered the arena and mastered this art.
Due to the dance being physically demanding in nature, the dancers can get exhausted after a short time. Therefore it`s played over brief period except in the Purulia School where they can have nightlong performances.
One of the main and unique characteristics of this dance, is emotions are not depicted by facial expressions but by legs. The dance has very detailed footwork, jumps etc. to convey the emotions of the character.
This highly energetic dance tells the stories from ancient mythologies like Mahabharata, Ramayana and other folklores. It depicts the nature in dance forms like Sagar Nritya and animal kingdom like sarpa, mayura dance. Melody, mood and rhythm all go hand in hand in making Chhau dance a success.