Something on Bihar Tourism

Bihar Tourism :

Lord Buddha lived and preached in Bihar and from Bihar Budhhism spread out into the world. It is from this land of learning that people took great ideas and came to learn at universities like Nalanda, from treatsies like the Arthashastra. It is this land of Viharas where buddhist monks prayed and spread the message of Ahimsa and Love. This is a land full of pilgrimage places for not only Budhhists but also Jains, Sikhs and Hindus. Bihar's Tourism Industry has great importance mainly due to Bihar's long and illustrious history. Laying along the eastern Gangetic Plains in North India Bihar has a distinction of being birth place of two great religions of Buddhism and Jainism. The state also boasts of some of the finest monuments of Hindu, Buddhist and Jain architecture. Bihar's ecological wealth range from the foot hills of Himalayas, to the vast and fertile plains of the Ganga, hills, forests and wide plateau. An epitome of diversity Bihar has enchanting land and people, fairs and festivals, arts and crafts, flora and fauna of Bihar and that is what tourism in Bihar is all about.