Todays Facts about Bihar

The population of Bihar is 103,804,637 (2011 census). It is ranked 3rd in India based on state population. Only 11 countries in the world have more population than the population of Bihar. Out of which 5,41,85,347 are male and 4,96,19,290 are females. Bihar constitutes 8.58% of total population of India. That would mean that there are 916 female per 1000 male. Bihar has shown 25.07% decadal growth between 2001 and 2011. The population density comes out to be 1102 person per km2.

The literacy rate in Bihar of Bihar is 63.82%. The literacy of male comes out to be 73.39% while that of female is 53.33%.
Bihar is the third most populated state of India with total population of 82,998,509 (43,243,795 male and 39,754,714 female). Nearly 90% of Bihar's population lives in rural areas. Almost 58% of Biharis are below 25 years age, which is the highest in India. Density is 881. Sex Ratio in Bihar is 919 females per 1000 males. Bihar has a total literacy rate of 47% (59.7% for males 33.1% for females).

83% of population is Hindu and 16% of population is following Islam.

Important Facts:-

  • The number of households in Bihar is 13,744,130. Out of which rural household is 12,407,132 and the urban household is 1,336,998.

  • Female to male ratio of Bihar is 91.93%.It is unsatisfactory and the people should drive some campaign to improve this.

  • Urban female to male ratio of Bihar is 86.75% compared to the female to male ratio 92.56% in rural area.

  • The literacy rate of the state is 47%. The rate of literacy is very low and needs immediate attention of Union and State Government.

  • The female literacy rate is 33.12% compared to male literacy rate of 59.68%.

  • The rural literacy rate is 43.92% compared to urban literacy rate of 71.93%. The rural female literacy rate is 29.61% compared to urban female literacy rate of 62.59%. The rural male literacy rate is 57.09% compared to urban male literacy rate of 79.94%.

  • The total working population is 42.26% of the total population. 59.21% of the men are working population . 23.71% of the women are working population.

  • The main working population is 31.81% of the total population. 50.62% of the men are main working population . 11.21% of the women are main working population . While the marginal working population is 10.46% of the total population. 8.59% of the men are marginal working population. 12.5% of the women are marginal working population.

  • The total non-working population is 57.74% of the total population. 40.79% of the men are non-working population . 76.29% of the women are non-working population.