Folk tales :-Wisdom

The two friends:-

Once there were two close friends who both possessed supernatural
powers. One could judge the quality of rice and the other the
personalities of men. Both of them started a long journey to see
the world. They passed many small villages and then came to a
large village which was the seat of the Raja. They went to the
Raja’s court and were hospitably received and asked to stay as
guests. They agreed, but when rice was served, the man who could
judge its quality refused to eat. The other man refused to eat
vegetables. The Raja was informed and, as the usual custom is,
wanted to have their food. They said they had reasons for refusing
the food. The Raja asked them, “Please, tell me why you
Thereupon the first man said, “Oh, Raja Saheb, the paddy of
which the rice was served to me was grown on a piece of land
which was once a burning ghat. I can smell the ashes of the burnt
bodies and wood.” The Raja then turned to the other man and
asked him why he was refusing to take the vegetables and told
him that his own daughter had cooked them. The second man
replied, “Oh’ Raja, I am very sorry if I am rude. But your daughter’s
breath has wafted to the vegetables. The food has a strong
smell of goat’s milk. I think that as a child your daughter was
nursed on goat’s milk.” The Raja at once sent for the Rani to find
out the truth.
The man sent out earlier returned and told the Raja that about
thirty years ago there was a patch of land used for burning
corpses. Paddy had been growing there since and the rice given
was of the paddy grown there. The Rani, too, confirmed that as
she had not had sufficient milk she had nursed his daughter
with goat’s milk.
Perceiving that both of his visitors were right and had supernatural
powers, the Raja persuaded them to stay in his court.
The two friends accepted the proposal and from then on lived in
the Raja’s court.